Shafaq News/ A security source in Al-Anbar Operations Command said on Thursday that a military garrison was attacked by missiles in Rutba.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, "Two mortar shells fell inside a military garrison of the Iraqi army forces on the international highway east of Rutba, without causing casualties."

"Military forces deployed in the area looking for perpetrators"

The source did not give further information.

Meanwhile, the deputy commander of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) in Al-Anbar Governorate, Ali Al-Muzaffar, confirmed that the operations against ISIS in the Al-Anbar desert are still continuing.

He told Shafaq News Agency that “one of the major terrorist operations was thwarted yesterday,...ISIS was attempted to exploit a hideout of weapons and equipment, but their plan was foiled.”

Al-Muzaffar explained that "the terrorist organization intends to carry out an operation in the Albu Bali area, but it was thwarted, in addition to seizing explosive devices.”

"The Popular Mobilization Forces in Al-Anbar are continuing to deter any attempt to destabilizing the security situation in the Governorate, especially in remote areas."

The deputy Commander praised the cooperation of the citizens of Al-Anbar with the security forces, saying, "Without the citizen, we would not have been able to carry out most of the operations, because the citizen is the first security man in Al-Anbar, and his cooperation with the security services contributed to the stability of the security situation."