Shafaq News / The Iraqi Joint Operations Command announced on Tuesday launching an operation to pursue ISIS members in Al-Anbar Governorate.

A statement by Lieutenant-General Abdul Amir Kamel Al-Shammari, Deputy Commander of Joint Operations, stated, "by the directives of the Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, and under the supervision of the Joint Operations Command, a joint force from Al-Jazeera and Al-Anbar Operations Command, Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi in Al-Anbar and the Tribal Mobilization Forces with the support of the army and international coalition air forces, launched a large-scale security operation in Al-Anbar desert."

The statement indicated that the operation comes to secure the borders separating the territories of the two commands to maintain security and stability and pursue the remnants of ISIS terrorist gangs in those areas.