Shafaq News / The representative of the Al-Nahj al-Watani parliamentary bloc, Mazen Abdel Moneim Al-Faili considered, on Saturday, that the proposed election law, "satisfactory to the people," ruling out the delay in passing the law by the political blocs.


Al-Faili told Shafaq News agency, "The election law in its current form is largely satisfactory to the aspirations and demands of the Iraqi people."


Al-Faili pointed out that "the axis of the disagreements among the political blocs so far is the the electoral districts distribution in each governorate, and this will be decided by discussions and dialogues."


Regarding the formation of the government by the winning bloc according to the election law, Al-Faili replied, saying, "This requires a decision from the Federal Court to settle controversy and political conflicts."


He concluded, "No date has yet been set for a parliamentary session to discuss the election law."


The Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, announced last Friday that the parliamentary elections will take place on June 6, 2021, but the positions of the political blocs are still vague and divided about the date and mechanisms for holding the elections.