to " Daash " to fight in Syria .

According to Kurdish sources spoke previously for “Shafaq News " , “ eight young Kurds from Kurdistan Region have been killed so far in fighting in Syria .

The source, who asked for anonymity told “Shafaq News", that “ 7 Kurdish students at the Islamic Institute of the Ministry of Endowment joined fight in Syria after joining Daash organization.

According to the obtained information, one of the students is the son of a senior official in Kurdistan Ministry of Endowments .

He added that these students are all from Erbil province.

Since the intensification of the civil war in Syria , reports talk about enrollment of young Kurds from the cities of Kurdistan to Nusrah front and the State of Iraq and al -Sham linked to al- Qaeda to fight the Syrian government forces .

The Ministry of Endowment in Kurdistan Regional Government has accused the regional intelligence of recruiting young Kurds and urging them to go to fight in Syria .

The ministry also issued instructions to the imams and preachers in the region , calling to advise young people not to go to any place under the name of " jihad ."