Shafaq News / Security and medical sources reported on Friday that two protestors were killed and tens were injured in the clashes that took place between supporters of the Sadrist movement and demonstrators in Al-Haboubi Square in Nasiriyah, southern Iraq.

Earlier on Friday, a Video published by activists on social media on Friday showed clashes between supporters of the Sadrist movement and Tishreen protestors in Al-Haboubi Square in the center of Nasiriyah, southern Iraq.

According to the activists, the Sadrist movement supports attacked the protestors with live bullets, white weapons, and stones.

Furthermore, a security source told Shafaq News agency that protestors' tents in the square were burned.

Shafaq News agency reporter in Baghdad said that the Sadrist movement’s supporters went to the sit-in squares in the early hours of this morning to organize a demonstration and hold Friday prayers, in response to the call of the close associate of Sadr, Saleh Muhammad al-Iraqi, as part of the early promotion of the upcoming elections.

The popular protests began in Iraq in October 2019 and are continuing in a limited way. They succeeded in overthrowing the previous government headed by Abdul Mahdi.

According to government figures, about 560 demonstrators and security personnel were killed during the protests, including tens of activists who were assassinated by unknown persons.

Al-Kadhimi's government has pledged to bring those involved in the killing of protestors and activists to justice. However, no arrest warrants have been issued so far.