According to a news briefed by “Shafaq News " “ activists of Syrian Raqqa announced that their city was deserted today from the leaders of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant organization " Daash " and that most of its leaders went to Iraq , as a large convey composed of 100 SUV , carrying immigrants went to the eastern regions - through Deir ez-Zor road .

According to activists of Raqqa city , a sudden and usual vacuum took place today by elements of the " state" as they call it , amid chaos in the ranks of the organization , as most of the elements of the state focused around the perimeter of brigade 17 north of the province.

Raqqa city is experiencing outage in the power supply and circled Airline System in the past few hours, in an atmosphere filled with fear and anxiety from " Daash " delivering the city to the forces of the Syrian regime .