until the settlement of dispute between Baghdad and Erbil could begin in May .

This statement coincides with the statement of the head of Kurdistan Regional Government , Nechirvan Barzani yesterday that Kurdistan oil will be available in the global market early next month .

Yildiz said in a statement to reporters during a visit to Norway published by Reuters , seen by "Shafaq News" that “ pumping oil of Kurdistan to Turkey via a new pipeline has resumed two days ago, at a rate of 100 thousand barrels per day”.

Kurdistan and Turkey have concluded a year ago , agreements in the energy field that include the export of oil from Kurdistan Region directly to Turkey via a new pipeline .

The agreement raised the anger of officials in Baghdad, who assert that the federal government has the only right in the management of energy resources, and it rejects any attempt to export oil in isolation from it .

Over months , Baghdad and Erbil conducted talks as Turkey tried to mediate between the two sides to find a way out of the crisis, which has worsened recently after Baghdad cut off funds of Kurdistan and delayed sending the salaries of employees in the last two months .

Barzani said in an interview with Rudaw TV , briefed by " Shafaq News " , that “ on 05.02.2014 , Kurdistan oil available in the world oil markets”.

Shafaq News contacted  yesterday the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy , Hussain al-Shahristani to know his opinion , where he stressed that they have a special statement on the subject.

The Kurdish crude have been transported to world markets via Kirkuk - Ceyhan pipeline which is controlled by Baghdad to Turkey, but the Kurdish exports through this pipeline stopped in late 2012 because of a dispute over payments.

Kurdistan began exporting crude individually from Taq Taq oil field to the Turkish port of Mersin in early January of last year through trucks were estimated at about 60 thousand barrels per day.

Kurdistan is seeking to export around 300 thousand barrels per day to world markets via the new line extends to the Turkish port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean.