after signing a preliminary contract for the establishment of an oil refinery without the knowledge of the federal government.

The governor of Nineveh , Ethel al-Nujaifi announced in the 13th of this month signing another contract on belongings of the oil refinery of Nineveh with Kurdistan region , during his visit to the region .

"The legal parties in the Ministry of Oil filed a lawsuit against the governor of Nineveh , Ethel al-Nujaifi on his quest to refer the Province’s oil refinery project to implementation,” The source told “Shafaq News “.

The source added that " the legal lawsuit was based on the terms of the Iraqi constitution which empowered the federal government to take over management of the oil wealth for the development of wells and refineries set up in coordination with the local governments ."

In the last year , Nineveh management agreed with Kalak refinery operated by Kar Group owned by Kurdistan Regional Government to supply petroleum products , especially gasoline , but the Iraqi Oil Ministry rejected the agreement and said that the local government does not have the validity of the contract.

Iraq has plans to raise the ceiling on oil refinery to 1.5 million barrels within the next few years after the investment of four new refineries in Nasiriyah , Karbala, Amara and Kirkuk, with a total capacity of 750 thousand barrels per day .

The production capacities of the refineries are currently 600 thousand barrels per day , and this amount is not enough to meet the local need .