; while noting that 554 loans had been granted in two-months by about 19 ​​billion dinars.


The general director of the Industrial Bank , Mohamed Abdel Wahab , said in an interview reported for " Shafaq News ", that "The bank granted during last January and February , 554 loans to citizens and industrialist traders through bank branches scattered in Baghdad ," noting that " the total

“The bank is continuing to grant loans to all people covered by the grant in accordance with the mechanisms and controls established by the bank ," noting that it " takes into account the reduced red tape during the stages of the treatment by bank branches down to the public administration ,” he noted.

It is worth mentioning that the Bank announced its continue to grant loans , and that comes at a time bankers and financiers in addition to people expressed their concern that the delay might affects the subject of the state budget in financial transactions of the institutions and the population.