, the option of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) set in his last report as difficult to make Iraq overcome the problem of the fiscal deficit in the budget for 2014 , which exceeded 36 trillion dinars.

“ IMF said in its latest report that Iraq can overcome any financial problem or fiscal deficit , by maintaining the sale of oil per barrel to $ 105 in the same pace of targeted export in the budget,” Saleh told “Shafaq News”.

He added that the condition set by IMF is difficult to verify , as world oil prices are variable and Iraq sold during the global financial crisis a certain price of a barrel of oil at $ 40, now everything is expected because the oil market is subjected to financial speculation .

Iraq relies on oil sell imports to finance 95 percent of the fiscal budget .

Iraqi economists agree with the concerns of the International Monetary Fund from the impact of falling oil prices on the budget for Iraq in 2014 , and criticized the Iraqi government for not preparing properly the budget in a way that contributes to the development of other productive sectors .

There are differences on the mechanism of oil export from Kurdistan , which hampers passing the budget , which is estimated to exceed 150 billion dollars, the largest on Iraq .