Shafaq News/ The administrator of the Water Resources Directorate in al-Anbar, Iyad al-Rawi, said that the decreasing water stages in the Euphrates will not affect the Ministry's plans for summer, attributing the drop to the poor management of the Water file in Syria.

Al-Rawi said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency, "the drop in the Euphrates' water levels is normal because this year was not rainy. The Ministry of Water Resources has devised plans to squash this matter by storing water in the dams of Haditha and al-Bijaniya lake. There is no fear during this summer and even next winter."

"Syria caused the drop in the Euphrates stages. The Syrian side did not release water from its dams as it is required, rather as it needed for the electric power production."

"Water stages in the Syrian dams have remarkably declined. This prompted them to downgrade the water releases from the dams, affecting the water afferent through the district of al-Khalis to Haditha dam in the west of al-Anbar."

"Iraq went through harder crises in 1998, 2009, and 2015, and it overcame them all. This one is completely under control. The water releases match the Ministry's plans. There is no fear, neither for Western nor for Southern governorates."

"There is no need for fear or concern. We hope it rains in the upcoming days. If it does not, there is nothing to fear."