Shafaq News / A spokesperson for the US State Department confirmed that Washington and Baghdad are "close" to reaching an agreement to start the work of the Higher Military Commission (HMC) as a preliminary step toward transitioning the mission of the U.S.-led Global Coalition to bilateral relations.

The spokesperson stated to Alhurra, "As announced in August 2023, we look forward to moving forward with the establishment of the Higher Military Commission (HMC) as it reflects the deep commitment of the United States to regional stability and Iraqi sovereignty."

The spokesperson added, "The United States and Iraq are nearing an agreement to begin the dialogue of the Higher Military Commission, as previously announced in August."

The spokesperson emphasized that the HMC serves as a platform to discuss the transition of the Coalition's mission to defeat ISIS into robust bilateral security relations between Iraq and the United States.

The two parties will discuss how the mission can evolve within a timeline based on several factors, including the ISIS threat, the operational environment, and the capabilities of Iraqi forces.

The spokesperson concluded the statement to Alhurra, saying, "We have been talking about this for months, and the timing is unrelated to recent attacks. The United States will retain its full right to self-defense during the discussions."

The spokesperson's confirmation came in response to a request for comments on reports from Reuters and CNN regarding the commencement of negotiations between Washington and Baghdad concerning the US presence in Iraq.

Furthermore, on Wednesday, the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs received a letter described as "significant" from the US government, delivered by Ambassador Alina Romanowski, indicating that the Prime Minister "will consider this letter," as announced by the Iraqi Foreign Minister.

Following this, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani chaired a meeting of the Ministerial Council for National Security, attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, where they discussed the developments in the security situation in Iraq.

Four sources informed Reuters on Wednesday that the United States and Iraq are set to begin talks on ending the mission of the US-led military Coalition in Iraq and replacing it with bilateral relations—a step that was delayed due to the conflict in the Gaza Strip.

The escalating violence in Iraq, a country allied with both Tehran and Washington, has seen increased mutual attacks between armed factions and US forces since the outbreak of the conflict in Gaza. Factions seek to pressure the United States due to its support for Israel.

US forces in Syria and Iraq have faced about 150 attacks by Iran-aligned militias, prompting the United States to respond with a series of strikes, with the latest occurring on Tuesday.

The heightened violence led the Iraqi Prime Minister to call for the rapid withdrawal of the US-led Coalition through negotiations. The negotiations were on the verge of starting last year but were delayed due to the war in Gaza, according to Reuters.

Washington did not want to negotiate a potential withdrawal while under attack, fearing that any change in the mission might appear to be under pressure, which could embolden regional competitors, including Iran.

However, the calculus changed amid the realization that attacks were likely to continue, and the current situation led to ongoing escalation.

Moreover, a US official mentioned that the committee would allow a joint assessment of the Iraqi security forces' ability to combat ISIS and define the nature of the bilateral security relationship.

The attacks are carried out by armed Iraqi factions closely linked to Iran, most of which are not represented in parliament or the government but wield influence over the decision-making process.

Iraqi and US officials hope that officially starting the talks will alleviate political pressure on the government and perhaps reduce attacks on US forces, according to Reuters.