Shafaq News / A government official in Saladin said, on Saturday, that the strategic Makhoul Dam is to be completed within 3 years.

The director of Al-Zawiya district, Muhammad Zaidan, told Shafaq News Agency that "the Ministry of Water Resources suggested that the dam project will be completed within 3 years, amid fears that dozens of villages located between Saladin and southwestern Kirkuk will be deprived of financial compensation."

He added that "the people are concerned about the lack of clarity of compensation mechanisms by the government and the Ministry of Water Resources," noting that "the people will not leave their villages and farms unless they guarantee compensation officially."

Makhoul Dam, is to be established between Kirkuk and Saladin Governorates with 3227 to 3600m length, has caused wide social and livelihood implications, as it requires to displace people in three administrative units in the Governorates.

The Dam has a storage capacity of more than 3 billion cubic meters.