Shafaq News / Mudhafar Ismail, a member of the Parliamentary Energy and Energy Committee, criticized today, Monday, the successive government's management of the electricity crisis in the context of a noticeable decline in the power supply.

Ismail told Shafaq News agency, "successive governments in Iraq since 2003 have not been able to solve the electricity crisis, which implies that the current government is also unable to do so."

He added, "there is a noticeable decline in the supply of electric power despite the statements of officials," noting that, "the electric power in Iraq is completely paralyzed and did not recover despite spending billions of dollars."

The Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, chaired an exceptional meeting earlier today, on Monday, devoted to discussing ways to overcome the electric energy crisis, in the presence of the Minister of Electricity, Majid Mahdi Hantoush.

Al-Kadhimi directed the implementation of "maintenance operations for the network."

since the 12th of July, the Iraqi parliament has been extensively investigating the contracts of the ministry of electricity over the past 17 years.

It is noteworthy that Iraq suffers from a shortage of electrical energy supplies since 1990 after the United Nations imposed a blockade on Iraq.

The problem worsened after 2003, as the hours of power outages increased to about twenty hours per day, which increased the reliance of the people on small and private generators.