Shafaq News / Saladin Investment Commission announced, on Monday, that it has withdrawn investment licenses from local and foreign investment companies that are lagged or have left work with investment projects granted to them in the past years.

The director of the authority, Laith Hamid, told Shafaq News agency that his department, "started a campaign to eliminate more than 50 projects and investment opportunities granted to local and foreign companies prior to the events of ISIS in 2014".

Hamid stressed that, "investment licenses will continue to be granted to companies and investors wishing to establish various projects in all sectors in Saladin", considering Saladin, "ready to attract investors".

He added, "Saladin Governorate has started to recover because of investment projects, and we are determined to overcome all obstacles and difficulties to facilitate the work of investors".

The events of ISIS in 2014 and the fall of most areas of Saladin in the hands of the terrorist organization caused a complete halt/ destruction to all sectors and projects.