Shafaq News/ The West Qurna-2 oilfield production amounted to one billion barrels, Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar Ismail said on Thursday, highlighting the contribution of the Russian "Lukoil" company in developing the oilfield.

Ismail's remarks came during a joint press conference he held earlier today, Thursday, with the CEO of the Russian company, Vagit Alekperov. 

"Lukoil contributed to securing incomes to the Iraqi state. It was very patient with OPEC's limitations. The development programs were evidence to the company's commitment to evolving the West Qurna-2," he said. 

"The Ministry of Oil and the Basra oil company are ready to continue the cooperation with Lukoil. We assert the government's endeavor to keep Lukoil a major partner to Iraq." 

"The company yielded 40 billion dollars to Iraq since commencing its work in the country," the Minister continued.

Lukoil's CEO said that the oilfield was an "unknown territory" to the company upon commencing its work in 2009. "Oredoo oilfield was discovered there with the capacity of seven billion barrels. The work is underway to discover new oilfields," he stated.