Shafaq News/ The volume of trade exchanges between Iraq and Ethiopia has reached approximately $20 million in 2022, data disclosed by the international trade website, Trade Map, showed this weekend.

The trade intelligence website, renowned for providing detailed trade maps and statistics for countries worldwide, revealed on Sunday that the total trade volume between the two nations was estimated at $19.598 million last year. Iraqi exports, remarkably, comprised a lion's share of 95%.

A noteworthy amount of $18.719 million was generated from seven different categories of goods exported by Iraq to Ethiopia in 2022, the data demonstrated.

Trade Map added that the export package from Iraq was dominated by mineral fuels and oils, valued at $15.774 million. This was accompanied by assorted chemical products, contributing $1.479 million, and fertilizers worth $566 thousand to the overall export value.

Ethiopia exported nine different goods to Iraq, accumulating a financial value of $879 thousand. Plastic materials emerged as the major export, earning $611 thousand, followed by coffee and tea, valued at $232 thousand, and live trees, other plants, and bulbs with a value of $26 thousand.

Located in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia, formerly known as Abyssinia, is a landlocked country with a total area of 1.1 million square kilometers, housing a population of over 109 million. Its capital, Addis Ababa, is a burgeoning hub for international diplomacy and trade.