Shafaq News / The exchange rates of the dollar experienced notable fluctuations on Sunday, impacting the bustling markets of Baghdad and the capital of the Kurdistan Region, Erbil.

Shafaq News agency's correspondent reported that the dollar's value escalated with the opening of al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad, reaching a staggering 158,350 Iraqi dinars for every 100 dollars. This surge was substantial compared to the previous day's rate of 157,500 dinars per 100 dollars, as reported on Saturday.

The selling prices in currency exchange shops experienced a significant rise. The selling rate soared to 159,250 Iraqi dinars, whereas the purchasing rate settled at 157,250 dinars for every 100 dollars.

In Erbil, the dollar witnessed a notable decrease in value, marking a selling rate of 157,700 dinars and a buying rate of 157,600 dinars per 100 dollars in local currency exchange shops.