Shafaq News / The Central Bureau of Statistics revealed on Thursday that the annual revenues of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers amounted to 93.47 billion/m3 during 2019.

The Bureau said in its report that the annual revenues of the Tigris River amounted to 31.29 billion/m3, while the annual revenues of its tributaries reached 45.23 billion/m3", noting that, "the total of these quantities in the Tigris River and its tributaries amounted to 76.52 billion/m3, which represents 81.9% of the total water revenues of Iraq.

Moreover, the annual revenues of the Euphrates River amounted to 16.95 billion/m3, which is 18.1% of the total water revenues of the country.

It is noteworthy that Turkey has built 14 dams on the Euphrates River and its tributaries within its territory, as well as 8 dams on the Tigris River and its tributaries, while Syria has built 5 dams, three of which are large their releases are usually controlled by Turley.