Shafaq News / Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani convened an urgent meeting on Monday with the Minister of Oil, Industry, and Minerals, as well as the Advisor to the Prime Minister, to engage in discussions with the global company Shell regarding the settlement of its obligations.

A statement from Al-Sudani's office said that the meeting focused on monitoring the implementation steps of the prominent Nebras Petrochemicals project.

Al-Sudani reviewed the progress stages, completed steps, and recommendations from the supervisory body overseeing the project, emphasizing the crucial element of time. He stressed that the project had faced delays and setbacks since 2015 and reaffirmed the government's determination to see it through, utilizing its full capabilities and authorities.

During the meeting, Al-Sudani underscored the necessity of removing any obstacles hindering the project's progression. He emphasized the Iraqi market's need for petrochemical raw materials to support domestic industries and transition to local production.

The Prime Minister directed an urgent meeting involving the Ministers of Oil, Industry, and Minerals, the Prime Minister's advisor, and consultant Genis with Shell International to settle all remaining matters. Additionally, he instructed the scheduling of monthly meetings under his leadership to monitor progress, activate solutions, and eliminate obstacles.